Wednesday 13 November 2019

The Leaf and the Wind.

I am a leaf. My life changed ever since that day.

I was happy on the tree. The tree – silent, observant, full of life and vigor. It had withstood many storms.

It was a breezy morning; the sun was at its glorious state, just when the gardener came in our beautiful garden to nip the edges of the plants. But that day, to my surprise, he headed towards my tree with a chainsaw held firmly in his hand. I looked on with fear and anger knowing that I could do nothing to stop the menace. He climbed up on my tree and took nearly no time in selecting the branches to be chopped off and started with his job. I could see my family members being chopped in front of my very own eyes. I got detached from the tree and as I was falling, grief weighed me further down and I felt as if the loneliness was engulfing me. Broken and torn tree had nothing to say.

I tried to be positive and thoughts went through me – I need to see the world beyond……and then I felt a spark of joy…..I felt wind. It took me with it

I was close to the ground just when the wind came and took me with him. I couldn’t believe that I was flying high and low in whichever way the wind carried me. I was happy that I found a new friend, the wind.

Related imageI looked out across the broad, dawn-pink sky and down over the beautiful spring garden. The wind left me shimmering, fluttering. Wind gave me the freedom of motion. Without the wind I would never have seen the world below or from side to side. Wind rocked me to sleep and shook me awake. Wind made me dance.

 It was a splendid company; I forgot all about my worries and loneliness and flowed with him. Wind cared and supported me and somewhat stirred up a hope within me. There dwelled a wish to live, free and happy. The sun rose and set, days went by, we moved on. That day the wind felt agitated,  strived to be patient and struggled to control his temper. I could see the wind  throbbing in anguish. Suddenly everything went wrong, wind changed, I could find wind no more and the storm rose. This was a strong blow on me. A twig pierced through my heart making a permanent hole. I throttled with the feeling of dejection and solitude. The storm passed away. I was on the ground, hoping wind will come looking for me. He didn’t return to me, silence paved in to the atmosphere, endless questions that augmented within myself all remained unresolved and unanswered; it seemed all that was there had become a past, a yesterday.

I waited on the ground feeling weak and worn-out; the shadow of misery over powered me bringing the essence of noxious misfortune. My incapable heart pleaded for a glance of him. The world stood still, all its glory and harmony was left behind; everything appeared so prosaic and hollow. Few days passed I saw the wind, happy as ever, I cried “wind.. take me with you please.... I have no strength to move.........” The wind didn’t stop for me for he stops for no one; he just replied “I have no time for you; I have other things to do....” Then he brushed through the trees, rolling some new leaves, which are now his new friends. My eyes cried but without a drop coming out, my heart bled but without a spot of stain.  My heart was too heavy and wind couldn’t blow me away.

I was lost and could feel my life was running out with each moment that passed by. I lay on the ground motionless, thin and tired, the cold dark night approached; as the air grew chill, I began to take on the most magnificent colors. First a yellow cast and then little patches of red and gold began to creep across it. I had lost all the moisture, my skin had turned to pale dull colour. It was a process of gradual decay and I had to wait till the end. I felt my body dry up and start to crack, I went numb but my emotions were still very much alive. I was counting the last seconds of my life before I would enter the door of heaven and meet some of my family members.   I knew not what was the best suitable emotion for me at this juncture of life; should I be down with forlorn or rise above with ecstasy. I silently prayed for the last time, “May the nature witness our never ending friendship.... God bless the wind...... I will die but wind happily forever should live by..........”

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