Thursday 3 December 2020

Self Love

The biggest struggle in life is to know, embrace, and accept ourselves, with all our faults and  imperfections. Many of us were raised by parents who were themselves victims—who were not taught to see their own worth, or who were not really seen by their own parents. So, they passed on to us what they had. The focus was on survival and minimising the damage, rather than on love, appreciation, and intimacy.

 I do not regret my past but I regret the mistake that took years from my life, and the life from my years.....

 The stress can beat us down, or make us build walls around ourselves that are so dense that even our dearest ones can't get in. Yet, there is another way. When we have the courage to let the walls down—to know and embrace ourselves, despite our human failings—we also open the door to the ones who love us, giving a new meaning to life.

 Our brains are wired for survival, but also for empathy. We have mirror neurons that fire when we see another person's pain. Let us learn to love ourselves, so we can be more open and compassionate to others, and so we can take down the walls that limit who we can be and what we can contribute.

 Become more mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. Know your vulnerabilities as well as your strengths and achievements and learn to love yourself for both.

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