Tuesday 28 June 2022

When alone...


I am in kitchen, cooking, listening to some music,                                                 which is hitting me on my heart.

While cooking, I am thinking about work, about home, about children, about life,

About relationships - some dead, some faded, some lost, and the one that exists.

And suddenly I feel I am not at home, not in my skin, this is not where I want to be

I want to be at home, I want to feel home, I want that feeling of home

Within this five minute period, I was nostalgic. Was I ok?

Is this ok for me to feel this? I realize I have aged, I will never be young again.

But then second thought flashes – So what?

Can’t I have my piece of love life? What if my last phase is the most beautiful phase?

I get flashes - Ignore. Live as you like. Be happy feeling wanted and loved.

In fact, this has been the best romance, I smile. Flying and humming the last lines.

The song is over. Cooking done. In five minutes I had been a long journey.

I was fine.

I will sure be at home, soon.



When alone...