Wednesday 4 September 2019

My Midlife Crisis

My silver troops are marching on
Gallantly in all their glory

As I feel them in my crown
Each strand seems like saying
Come sit
I will tell you my story
The lines on my forehead
The freckles on my cheek
This extra crease around my neck
They embrace me in a warm hug

These wrinkles are the supreme artist baring his brush on the canvas of my life
With open arms I welcome every symbol, every sign
That celebrate each milestone of my life

The real estate in my backyard has appreciated
My chins have doubled like the most promising mutual funds

Somedays I am stiff and literally sore
As if my bones have been dipped in Revive
And sundried too

Raising my millennial kids has taught me
Nothing is impossible
It is all there up in the mind
Somedays I am laughing out impishly like a child
Teasing my sons
About their heartbreaks and crushes
I tell him I just had one too
They look at me with questioning eyes

But you know what
Midlife is the second teenage
Just that life has taught us how to smartly moderate
Because hormones will be brats
They will be upto pranks
While going or while coming
Suddenly it sounds so over rated
It might soon get deactivated

Somedays I am struggling
To cut out the cacophony, the noise of relations
Of responsibilities, judgements and opinions

The next moment
I can make and bake
Out of the same noisy dissonance
With all my demons, I have made peace
Instead I am now flirting with all my dreams

To love and to nurture
Was never an option
That is in my DNA
That is how I am very wired

I am the rock by your shore
If your waves are severe
I am your anchor, if you feel fragile or lost
But To guard my own self-respect, I know pretty well how to disconnect

I love to play, a myriad of my roles
But I can rise above each
To go on a blind date with my soul

But I am also sandwiched between eras
I am the connector between the generations
So I will uphold what I strongly believe in
But sieve out my pessimism and pass on just the best

Neither guilty nor apologetic, about the choices I made
Don’t call them my sacrifices
I am no goddess, I am no sage

And today 4 decades and more
4 decades and more in the bliss of my haven
My work
My offsprings

I celebrate every war every ceasefire
Every balance that I have made
I am a superhero

When alone...