Tuesday 5 April 2016

In love or loving someone…..

As people, we love to love, and yet we often do not understand what that really means.

The greatest thing is to ever learn just to love and be loved in return

Being “in love” is a feeling without the benefit of experience.

On the other hand, to love and be loved in return is all about the experience between you and that special person. They are the most special person in the world, and they light your fire. When you get into an argument, all you want to do is have that honest conversation, kiss and make-up.

You know things about this person that few people do, and you dare not share them because you understand why you’re one of the chosen few that gets them. You say things and do things on a constant basis because you think about them all the time, and you do not want what you have to end. This is love.

Love is not a feeling but instead a consistent display of actions, followed by words and experiences that two people share with each other.

They will make plans with confidence that things will go great without realizing that there is no basis for having said confidence. They have not shared enough experiences, enough heartache, enough personal reflection or time to truly know whether their feelings for that person go beyond surface attraction.

So while it may be romantic to think about love at first sight, you should think about the difference between being “in love” and loving someone and being loved in return.

Investigate your head and your heart when you find yourself gaga for someone you’ve just met. We often make decisions based on how we feel, but it is only when we feel, say and do with experience behind us that we can truly love someone.

Think about it.....

When alone...